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Nothing says Irish like Beautiful Lace

Nothing says Irish like Beautiful Lace
Click on photo for Earlene Moore's tutorial for beautiful fondant lace and have fun with your next cake!



Monday, April 19, 2010

Southern Magnolias- Sharon Zambito's Method

Hello Sugar Friends!

Ah, summertime in the deep south. Warm sun, cool breezes, the magnolias are in bloom....

Wait. Who am I kidding? It's hot as friggin' Hades down here. There sure ain't no cool breezes, and there ain't no magnolias right now either. I don't even know when they bloom. It just sounded like a good opening. :)
Anyway, I did this little wedding cake a few weeks ago. Ivory buttercream with white buttercream stenciling and gumpaste magnolias.


I used this Designer Stencil for the cake sides. Notice that I taped a piece of card stock to the bottom of the stencil to boost it up to the exact height I needed it to be. That way I did not have to try to hold it in place freehand while stenciling, and run the risk of the stencil moving while I worked.

Showing 2 sides. Perty huh?

This photo was taken with a flash at the venue, so it it is not so flattering, but I wanted you to see the full effect of the stencils. The 8mm bead maker was used for the pearl borders.


I had not made magnolias before, so I bought Nic Lodge's video on it. His videos are very good, step by step instruction on flowers, and a great value. I did not follow his instructions exactly, as I wanted my flower to be a bit more frilly than his was.

I taped three 18 gauge wires together with floral tape for the stem. I made a large cone of gumpaste and cut V's into it with a tiny scissors. I folded back the tips a bit with my finger.

These are wired petals so I rolled out my paste onto the Cel Board.

Turn the paste over so the center vein is up, and cut out the petal.

Thread a 24 gauge wire into the vein.

Thin the edges with a ball tool.

Dry them over large soup spoons for shape.

After they are all dry, dust everything for color, assemble and steam.

Who cares if the magnolias are in bloom when you can make your own?

Happy caking everyone!

Tutorial and Photography By Sharon Zambito. All Rights Reserved. 2009
This tutorial was used with the expressed permission of Sharon Zambito.
It may not be reproduce in any form without the written permission from the author.


  1. Gorgeous! I love magnolias - they are so elegant. Thank you for sharing the tutorial. And that buttercream on your cake is so smooth and perfect.

  2. These are beautiful, Sharon, but I would expect nothing less! I have Nick's DVD but I haven't tried the magnolia. Is there another cutter that might work ... one that I might have in my huge stash of cutters? Thanks!


  3. This tutorial is definitely awesome.Could you give me sharon zambito cake recipe.I cant afford to buy her dvd.Plz mail to shalu.christian@gmail.com.Thanks for ur kind replies.


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Above all, have fun and keep baking!


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