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Nothing says Irish like Beautiful Lace

Nothing says Irish like Beautiful Lace
Click on photo for Earlene Moore's tutorial for beautiful fondant lace and have fun with your next cake!



Monday, July 20, 2009

Marbled fondant

You can achieve this marbled look very quickly and easily!

In order to marble the fondant, you need 2 colors to mix. I started with this pink and added the blue to it for my marble on this cake.
Start by getting the fondant very pliable.
Then I roll out strips, generally the same length, but not precisely.
Twist them together and stretch, repeating a few times, but not too many!
Lay out the fondant for rolling.
Roll the fondant out, careful not to stretch it too much, you don't want to have to knead again, or you will lose the marbling.
If you don't have 2 colors, you can add colors this way. Add a dab of your usual cake colors in several places, folding as you go.
Knead and twist as I showed with the 2 color option.
Again, not too much, or you will lose your marbled look.
Roll out and place on cake.
This is an easy way to add a different look, a little fun with an otherwise simple, elegant design.
I forgot to take a picture of this blue cake, but I've included a picture of another marbled cake I did.
photos and tutorial by Brenda Donner 2009
All rights reserved
This material may not be republished or reproduced in any manner without the expressed permission of the author.


  1. Thanks Brenda!!
    I love the two different
    techniques you demonstrated!

  2. Hi, wonderful tutorial and great blog! I have just started a new blog on making fondant animals and objects. www.bijou-creations.blogspot.com Could I link to you?


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Above all, have fun and keep baking!


A Very Sweet Tutorial by Bobbie Noto

A Very Sweet Tutorial by Bobbie Noto
I was instantly in love when Bobbie Noto shared this cookie with SugarTeachers! She is an amazing talent. For instructions on how to create this adorable cookie, click on the photo and don't forget to subscribe to Bobbie's website!

Pillow Cake Tutorial by Toni Brancatisano

Pillow Cake Tutorial by Toni Brancatisano
How beautiful! A great tutorial shared byToni Brancatisano. Click on photo to see the tutorial!

Pistachio-Cardamom Cake

Pistachio-Cardamom Cake
Click on link for Edna De La Cruz's dee-lish cake recipe.

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