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This site is dedicated to sharing what we have learned with you! Enjoy our tutorials, and if you have a question please feel free to ask! I know one of our sugar enthusiasts will either know or try to find the answer.
We all have something to share...and we all have something to learn!


Nothing says Irish like Beautiful Lace

Nothing says Irish like Beautiful Lace
Click on photo for Earlene Moore's tutorial for beautiful fondant lace and have fun with your next cake!



Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Agbay-- A Wonderful tool for leveling cakes

Creating a beautiful cake can be challenging!
Whether you are preparing a simple layer cake or a multi-tiered cake, the success the finished overall look starts with the foundation on which it is built.
It is essential to start with a perfectly level cake to attain a beautiful and stable cake.
If the cake isn't level, problems will occur with stability such as shifting and can
negatively effect the overall look of the finished cake. Those unsightly bulges on the sides of a cake are a direct cause of uneven layers. And then, leveling a cake can be a challenge all of its own!

Until now....

One tool that has made life easier for cake decorating is the Agbay Cake Leveler.

Maureen Agbay is a cake decorator.
Watching her work and seeing her Wedding Cake business escalating, her husband, Tony, decided to come up with an easier way to level a cake. He did just that, devising a wonderful and easy system to level and torte a cake at the same time. Now the Agbay Cake Leveler has taken the struggle out of leveling a cake.
Here is how it works.
Simply adjust the blade to the height you need and tighten the knob.
On this cake, I chose to level the height and torte the cake at the same time.
In a side to side motion, slide the Agbay leveler through the cake.
( Do not place your hands
on the back side of cake to stablize.
The blades on the leveler are extremely sharp.)
Voila! Leveled and torted in one easy action!
There is also a very nifty blade cleaner that Agbay offers too.
It is wonderful for
loosening the sticky crumbs from the blades
without cutting your fingers.
When finished, just replace the tubes back over the blades
and store until you bake your next cake.
To order your own Agbay, click on this link:

This product is well worth the investment!! You will have peace of mind knowing each layer of your next cake is level and cut down on preparation time as well.

Happy Baking!

Article courtesy of Jacque Benson
2009 All Rights Reserved

This material may not be republished or reproduced in any manner without the expressed permission of the author.


  1. Thinking I have to have that cake leveler. Seriously though... can you put some way on here to turn off the music? I have to shut down my speakers to read your site.


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And to ALL of our Readers...

Above all, have fun and keep baking!


A Very Sweet Tutorial by Bobbie Noto

A Very Sweet Tutorial by Bobbie Noto
I was instantly in love when Bobbie Noto shared this cookie with SugarTeachers! She is an amazing talent. For instructions on how to create this adorable cookie, click on the photo and don't forget to subscribe to Bobbie's website!

Pillow Cake Tutorial by Toni Brancatisano

Pillow Cake Tutorial by Toni Brancatisano
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Pistachio-Cardamom Cake

Pistachio-Cardamom Cake
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