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This site is dedicated to sharing what we have learned with you! Enjoy our tutorials, and if you have a question please feel free to ask! I know one of our sugar enthusiasts will either know or try to find the answer.
We all have something to share...and we all have something to learn!


Nothing says Irish like Beautiful Lace

Nothing says Irish like Beautiful Lace
Click on photo for Earlene Moore's tutorial for beautiful fondant lace and have fun with your next cake!



Monday, December 5, 2022

Sugar Cookies

Sugar cookies are my families favorite thing to make. We try to make them for every occasion you can think of. My daughter and I are getting requests for these cookies now because they are so good but no one wants to take the time to make them. So if you have the patience and time, here is how we do our cookies!!

Rhonda's Sugar Cookies

3 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 cup butter

2 eggs

1 cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

Sift together the flour, baking soda and salt. Add the butter and mix like you would pie crust.

In another bowl, beat eggs. Add sugar and vanilla and beat well. Combine with dry ingredients. The dough will be a little crumbly at this stage. I really like this recipe because you don't have to refrigerate it!! (I don't like waiting!)

This dough can be rolled out or shaped into balls and pressed with a fork or glass that has been dipped in sugar. We like to do both!!

Take some dough and knead it a little before you roll it out. I like to roll mine fairly thick. Thinner for crispy cookies and thicker for cookie bouquets.

I have to show you my "handicapped" rolling pin!! (I have RA). Cut out your cookies as desired and place them on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake cookies in a 350 degree oven for around 9-12 minutes, depending on the thickness of your cookie. As soon as the cookies come out of the oven, I take a fondant smoother, (or any flat, solid object) to make the cookies flat. The reason for doing this is so that the icing will stay on the cookie better and not run down the sides.

Cool the cookies for about 15-20 minutes and put them in an air-tight container.

I like to use this container I found at WalMart. It's a cake taker, but I use it for cookies and cupcakes.

Next comes the icing. I love to use a glaze most of the time but Royal Icing may also be used. Sometimes I do both!! The glaze recipe below is just for a small batch. I usually quadruple it!

Cookie Glaze

1 tablespoon corn syrup

1/4 cup warm water

1-2 teaspoons flavoring (almond, vanilla or your favorite)

3 cups powdered sugar

food coloring (paste)

Dissolve corn syrup in the warm water. Mix in extracts and add sugar until you have a smooth glaze. Add more to thicken or more water to thin. A lot depends on the humidity and where you live. Use the thicker for outlining and thinner for filling in. If you are familiar with color flow, it's the same technique. Your fill-in icing should disappear into itself at the count of 10.

I love to use these squeeze bottles for the thicker outlining part. They are mostly used for candy making or condiments. I then thin out what is left in the bowl with a little water and spoon that onto the cookie. If using different colors, (one for outlining and one for filling in) let the first color dry for an hour or so before decorating with the second color. Otherwise, your colors will bleed. Once dry, you can then decorate on the top of the first layer with more glaze, royal icing or food coloring markers.

Outline first then quickly fill in so that there is no distinguishing outline.

Once you get the hang of it, just have fun being creative!! There are all kinds of possibilities!!

Photos and Tutorial by Rhonda Christensen. 2009. all rights reserved

This material may not be republished or reproduced in any manner without the expressed permission of the author.


  1. Thanks Rhonda! I'm just getting into to cookies a little here and there - yours look wonderful - thanks for the tips.

  2. This is a fabulous step by step Rhonda!! Thank you for sharing!!

  3. Those are REALLY nice! Great job.

  4. I am going to try to make them this weekend with the kids and some BGD cookies for clients. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  5. Your cookies are stunning! Thanks for your tips!



  6. To all of you "sweet" ladies...THANK YOU!! I appreciate all the nice comments.

    Thank you Jacque for taking care of the layout for me while I'm gone!!

    love ya all!!!

  7. hi!~thanks for this recipe but should I use cake flour or all-purpose flour? i tried making this but it doesn't look as dry as what you have on the picture.. i used cake flour..

  8. Dear Blueberry

    I used all-purpose flour for this recipe. Thanks for pointing this out. I'll add that right now!!

  9. Does this glaze dry hard like royal icing? Could I stack these cookies? I really like the shine to them much more than the matte icing I've used.

  10. These cookies are so beautiful-Thanks for explaining everything so well.

  11. This is the best tutorial with graphics that I've found online. I learn best by reading and seeing, and you did just that for me!!!!

    Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!


  12. this is a wonderful site I am new to all of this and love all your help and info I am looking for a raspberry mousse that can be used (thick enough)for a cake filling

  13. does this icing taste good or is it like royal icing. also is it rock hard as RI. does it stay shiny.

  14. Great tutorial! Thanks for sharing! These cookies look fantastic!

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  17. I then thin out what is left in the bowl with a little water and spoon that onto the cookie. If using different love language test colors, (one for outlining and one for filling in) let the first color dry for an hour or so before decorating with the second color. Otherwise, your colors will bleed. Once dry, you can then decorate

  18. Thanks for the effort you put in to make this blog so helpful and informative

  19. Your sugar cookie creations are absolutely adorable! The way you've decorated them with such intricate details is truly a testament to your skills as a sugar artist.

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And to ALL of our Readers...

Above all, have fun and keep baking!


A Very Sweet Tutorial by Bobbie Noto

A Very Sweet Tutorial by Bobbie Noto
I was instantly in love when Bobbie Noto shared this cookie with SugarTeachers! She is an amazing talent. For instructions on how to create this adorable cookie, click on the photo and don't forget to subscribe to Bobbie's website!

Pillow Cake Tutorial by Toni Brancatisano

Pillow Cake Tutorial by Toni Brancatisano
How beautiful! A great tutorial shared byToni Brancatisano. Click on photo to see the tutorial!

Pistachio-Cardamom Cake

Pistachio-Cardamom Cake
Click on link for Edna De La Cruz's dee-lish cake recipe.

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